Hormone Management for Men

Pure Radiance Med Spa

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Do you have these symptoms?

  • Feeling that you have passed your peak
  • Feeling burnt out, having hit rock bottom
  • Decrease in beard growth
  • Decrease in ability/frequency to perform sexually
  • Decrease in the number of morning erections
  • Decrease in sexual desire/libido
  • Lacking pleasure in sex

The benefits our patients have reported from testosterone therapy include:

  • An increase in sexual drive
  • An increase in lean body mass
  • An increase in muscle weight, size, and strength
  • Reduction in fatigue
  • Consistency in moods-reduced anger, nervousness, and irritability
  • An increase in energy, mental focus, clarity of thought, and concentration
  • Improvement of memory
  • An increase in the sense of overall well being
Pure Radiance Med Spa

About Hormone Replacement Therapy

It is a common misconception that women are the only ones who need hormone replacement as they age. However, more research shows that men can benefit from receiving hormone replacement therapy, specifically testosterone. Hormonal balance from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can provide critical protection against osteoporosis, heart, and prostate disease, among other health issues that can either kill you or drastically reduce your quality of life.

Many men are led to believe by their physicians that feeling constantly tired, having the inability to gain muscle mass and lose fat, decreased libido, and foggy thinking is all a part of growing older.

Accepting these symptoms as a part of aging can negatively impact your ability to perform at work, damage your relationship with friends and family, and most importantly, take the enjoyment out of life.

You will be amazed at how impactful bio-identical hormone therapy is to your well being. When your hormones are out of balance, so is everything else in your life.

Pure Radiance Med Spa

Men Need Hormones Too!

Every man experiences a gradual decline in hormone production as he gets older. At age 30, the body starts to manufacture less testosterone, losing roughly one to three percent per year. Then, between 40 and 55, testosterone levels drop dramatically and signal the onset of andropause, the medical term for the male equivalent of menopause.

Many men believe that constant fatigue, inability to gain muscle mass and lose fat, decreased libido, and foggy thinking are a part of growing older. These symptoms can negatively impact work performance, relationships, and most importantly, take the pleasure out of life.

When your hormones are out of balance, so is everything else in your life. You will be amazed at the impact on your overall wellbeing after starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

The pills, patches, creams, and injections are a thing of the past. BioTE Therapy is a remarkably simple, hassle-free method of natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that can return you to hormonal balance and wellbeing. Hormonal balance from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can protect against many health issues, including osteoporosis, heart, and prostate disease. BioTE can help bring you back to your vitality.

Pure Radiance Med Spa

BioIdentical Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy

BioTE® Therapy is a remarkably simple, hassle-free method of natural bio-identical hormone replacement (BHRT) that can return you to the balance and well-being of healthy hormone levels. With balanced hormones, you can once again look your best and feel healthy, sexual, and alive!

Forget the pills, patches, creams, and injections. In recent years, hormonal needs for men have received national media attention. With BioTE® hormone pellet therapy for your bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, there is no daily consumption and no need to be in sync with their partner’s desire for sexual activity. You feel younger and sexually alive.

Pure Radiance Med Spa

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